老外看台灣/德國型男捕捉山岳之美 大讚:「臺灣與山林零距離!」


【看英文中國郵報學英文】來自德國的Natalis Maximilian Ture目前就讀研究所,當他還是大學生時,即造訪臺灣數次,臺灣山岳之美令他尤其感動。Natalis與The China Post分享他在台灣登山的經驗,以及過程中較為不便的地方。

Natalis Maximilian Ture is a graduate student from Germany who visited Taiwan a few times during his studies. In an interview, Natalis shared with The China Post some highlights of his hiking trips in Taiwan and the challenges he encountered along the way.

來自德國的Natalis Maximilian Ture目前就讀研究所,當他還是大學生時,即造訪臺灣數次,臺灣山岳之美令他尤其感動。|Natalis Maximilian Ture is a graduate student from Germany who visited Taiwan a few times during his studies.(Courtesy of Natalis)


On his YouTube channel “Laotang老唐,” he shared several beautifully-shot and edited videos that document his hiking journeys in Taiwan. The video “Hiking Snow Mountain,” which was released in January, has stirred some discussion among the foreign community in Taiwan and successfully promoted the beauty of Taiwan’s nature. Among other highlights, he included a link to the website of the National Park for an application permit in his video.

Natalis以鏡頭記錄在臺灣爬山的經驗,並創立YouTube頻道「Laotang老唐」分享臺灣山岳之美,其中年初發布的影片「雪山之兩日行」引起許多在台外國人的迴響|The video “Hiking Snow Mountain,” has successfully promoted the beauty of Taiwan’s nature. (Courtesy of Natalis)


Located in the Heping District of Taichung, Snow Mountain (Xueshan), standing at 3,886 meters above sea level, is the second-highest mountain in Taiwan. The hiking trail is 10.9 kilometers in length from the trailhead to the main peak.

As one of the most popular routes among Baiyue — the 100 Peaks of Taiwan, Snow mountain trail generally takes two days and two nights to complete a round hiking trip. With an elevation of 1,700 meters from the trailhead to the main peak, you will pass a “crying slope,” Xueshan East Peak at 3,201 meters, a massive black forest and the breathtaking glacier cirque.

Although it was known as a hike for beginners, climbing Snow Mountain still requires hikers to do enough workout before going on a hiking adventure.

Natalis以鏡頭記錄在臺灣爬山的經驗,並創立YouTube頻道「Laotang老唐」分享臺灣山岳之美,其中年初發布的影片「雪山之兩日行」引起許多在台外國人的迴響|The video “Hiking Snow Mountain,” has successfully promoted the beauty of Taiwan’s nature. (Courtesy of Natalis)

問及在台灣爬山的經驗和其他國家有什麼不同,Natalis分享道,前往台灣百岳的交通相當便利,週末假期就能攀登百岳; 其他國家不乏高山,但是不可能這麼容易抵達,而這也讓爬山運動更加親近,甚至能當作平常的休閒嗜好。

What differentiates the hiking experiences in Taiwan from other countries? Natalis said that there may be many high mountains in other countries, but he has never seen mountains as easily accessible on weekends like here in Taiwan. The accessibility makes hiking much easier as a weekend trip and hobby.


“In other countries, I feel hiking is more of a big deal and I have to plan and hike during the holidays,” he said.


As a foreigner, Natalis had no obstacle while planning on a hike because he could speak fluent Chinese and look into the information in Chinese. “But I think the language barrier is the biggest obstacle for most foreigners.”

Natalis以鏡頭記錄在臺灣爬山的經驗,並創立YouTube頻道「Laotang老唐」分享臺灣山岳之美,其中年初發布的影片「雪山之兩日行」引起許多在台外國人的迴響|The video “Hiking Snow Mountain,” has successfully promoted the beauty of Taiwan’s nature. (Courtesy of Natalis)


Still, the application for the National Park permit was a small obstacle because he prefers to take a spontaneous trip. Other than popular hiking routes such as Yushan and Chiaming Lake, the application for most of the mountains’ permit in Taiwan is quick and easy, he said.